Taboola and Outbrain: with these 7 techniques, you will boost your marketing strategies!

Do you know how to create ads that are related to the content the user is consuming?

Taboola and Outbrain

Promote ads related to the content the user is consuming, in a practical and efficient way!

Are you learning more about creating ads in Digital Marketing and do you want to promote your brand and products in a more effective way, which catches the user's attention, but without bothering them while browsing websites and news portals? Taboola and Outbrain are ideal tools for you!

Taboola and Outbrain are ways to promote ads linked to the content the user is consuming, using Native Ads.

Do you want to know more about this type of advertisement? Read on and see the main tips for using them in your business!

What are Native Ads?

Native Ads is the acronym in English for Native Adversiting. Therefore, translating into Portuguese, it is the same as native advertising.

This type of advertising aims to not disrupt the user's internet browsing/experience. Therefore, Native Ads is a way to link similar content, generating traffic to your page or blog.

Tips for using Taboola and Outbrain in Digital Marketing strategies

Now that you know what these tools are and that they both produce Native Ads, let's see tips on how to use Taboola and Outbrain in Digital Marketing strategies.

1 – Produce relevant content

Both Taboola and Outbrain generate ads on pages whose content is related. Therefore, you need to have captivating content so that the user remains on your blog or website.

In addition, also try to be aware of news regarding the subject you cover and try to create eye-catching titles that attract the user's attention.

Don’t Produce Content Without First Creating a Persona

2- Define your campaign objective

Taboola and Outbrain have specific objectives to generate results in marketing strategies. Therefore, these objectives are:

  • lead generation;
  • brand awareness;
  • engagement for the website;
  • online shopping.

Lead generation aims to increase your traffic. Online shopping, on the other hand, focuses on getting consumers for your product. Brand awareness and engagement for websites have as their main objective reach a larger audience and increase engagement and page visits.

3 – Use Copywriting techniques

Copywriting is the act of writing with the aim of generating a conversion.

Therefore, it is the process of producing persuasive texts for Marketing and sales actions, such as the content of emails, websites, catalogues, advertisements and sales letters, for example. The person responsible for developing the text (also called “copy) is the Copywriter.

Therefore, delve deeper into copywriting techniques and awaken the user’s curiosity. The chance of increasing the conversion rate will be very high.

4 – Be Accessible

Whatever your objective when advertising through these means, always be accessible. So if they comment on your posts, send you emails, or contact you, be approachable.

The main objective of digital marketing is draw people's attention to what you offer. Therefore, ask yourself to answer any questions and be willing to provide more information about your service.

5 – Ask suggestive questions

Human beings are curious by essence. Therefore, it makes a lot of difference when the ad manages to capture your attention. One of the best ways to do this is to talk about questions that the reader wants to know the answer to.

Therefore, create a little suspense or include something that gives the idea that the information is privileged. This makes it easier to get attention.

6 – Mention your audience in the title

Talking directly to the audience is a great way to engage them and catch their attention from the first moment. Therefore, this practice helps to qualify the type of traffic you will receive. 

By increasing your chances of attracting only the right people, this qualification optimizes your advertising investments. Therefore, it is also very efficient to make your content more specific, which tends to improve its performance.

 7 – Choose photos instead of drawings or logos

Outbrain and Taboola's content is published on major news portals around the world, and the editorial lines of these outlets tend to use photos instead of drawings or logos. 

So it's to be expected that the Outbrain and Taboola team have noticed how photos perform better than other types of graphics in ad calls. Therefore, choose good quality photos.

Do you intend to use Taboola and Outbrain tools as digital marketing strategies? So, see our website and stay up to date with more tips to boost your business!

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