Video production

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Video production

Today, video production is responsible for a large share of Internet traffic. Turns out, the second biggest search engine on the Internet is YouTube.

According to a survey done by Hubspot, 83% of marketers said that video strategies can significantly increase ROI (return on investment).

Therefore, videos can build a brand and serve as a reference to help you sell more.

Discover some of the advantages of including video in your marketing strategies:

  • Videos are educational and can help your customers learn more about the company's business;
  • Firstly, video is the most used format on the Internet;
  • Brand awareness: improves your company's brand recognition;
  • SEO: improve your rankings on Google and Youtube;
  • Responsive: adapts to the content of different screens;
  • Feedback: Provides access to audience feedback in comments.

At Beatz, we process your videos into the following formats:

Institutional: videos focused on promoting your brand and products;

A testimony: with the aim of recommending satisfaction with the product or service;

Courses: online courses or in-house training videos;

Content: so your customers and leads can always learn more about your company.

Video production and storytelling

These videos have a powerful and very effective technique in terms of persuasion: storytelling. So use it to tell a beautiful story through images, characters, voice acting and soundtrack, which produces deeper recognition than words. The conversion is not done alone.

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the narrative of the content. For example, animated videos offer many possibilities for creativity and attract users' attention. This way, it all depends on your imagination.

Conversion depends on the ability to persuade, which is an essential skill for any marketing and sales action, right? It's not hard to imagine how video will perform in this regard.

Content video production and return on investment

Video marketing has brought a huge return on investment for the company. Therefore, more than 80% of companies say that videos can generate a good return on investment.

In other words, all content will have a role in the production of videos. If your message is delivered clearly and creatively, the results will come.

Are the formats and channels suitable?

Beatz's expertise allows you to create the right content, in the right format, for the right platform. This way, the results will be better and your brand will be able to enjoy the benefits of video content.


For example, videos are considered more useful than blog text. Because they are more dynamic and visually appealing, they can retain your audience for longer. Therefore, it becomes easier to mark the viewer's memory.

Additionally, channels like YouTube can sometimes generate advertising revenue, thus generating another source of income.

Want to create content videos to enhance your company's marketing strategy? Contact Beatz and find out more about our services!

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