Sales and marketing: discover how to increase your results with this integration
The integration of sales and marketing areas is a very important strategy for increasing results. It is one of the most efficient ways to ensure control over a lead’s journey until their purchase is completed.
A company may have a good marketing strategy, but if its integration with the sales area is not planned, it may not be connected enough with a lead and fail to give the necessary attention to it. Therefore, you may waste several opportunities to close deals.
With the union of these two sectors, it becomes possible to have greater control over the performance of the sales area.
Therefore, we created this content for you who want to understand more about the combination of sales and marketing, the importance of this integration and how it can improve your results once and for all.
Sales and Marketing
Before we start talking about how the union of these areas can greatly increase results, it is necessary to understand what their objective is, being synchronized.
Firstly, it is necessary to understand that there is no point in the marketing team generating several leads if the sales team is not ready to receive them.
It is vital that, when the customer arrives at the sales office, they are already prepared to close the deal, and that the sales area has all the necessary information about it.
Marketing has to worry about passing on qualified contacts to the sales area, otherwise they will only waste time with contacts who are not as interested in making the purchase.
Therefore, it is important to know what action to take to unite these areas, so that they can bring positive results to your company.
Integration between sales and marketing
If your goal is to increase sales-related results, integrating these two areas should be the first step. But, before you make any decision, we will show you three benefits of why you should combine these sectors.
Agility in handling leads
Your customers can reach you in different ways, and each one takes a different path depending on their shopping journey. To sell your product more easily and make these customers close the purchase, marketing and sales professionals need to be available to serve them, and to be quick.
Agility at this moment is very important. The professional who serves this customer needs to have all possible information at hand, including that collected by the marketing sector, to provide this service in the best possible way.
So, by combining the two areas, it is possible to be more assertive and faster when carrying out the approach.
Lead qualification
In general, people who come to your business are not 100% prepared to purchase your product or service. Therefore, it is very important that this potential customer goes through a qualification process, which is carried out by the marketing area, so that they can then reach the next step, that is, the sales sector.
It is also important to align with the pre-service team what a qualified lead is. In other words, what is the ideal profile to go to the next stage.
The union of both sectors can make this process even easier. Using a good marketing tool, it is possible to have a lot of information about leads.
Contact the customer at the right time
When a lead is on a purchasing journey, there is a right time for them to be contacted.
Integrating the marketing and sales area encourages a constant relationship with leads and obtains a lot of information about them. There are several tools, such as CRM, who can help you with this.
It is very important to maintain a good relationship with the customer and monitoring the entire process is vital.
How should you align sales and marketing
Bringing these areas together requires a lot of effort, planning, motivation and most importantly: time. But it is a service that can be carried out if there is commitment from both sectors.
To carry out this integration in the best possible way, we will give you some tips that will help you a lot in this process.
Establish a friendship between sales and marketing areas
It's a simple thing, but it can help you a lot in uniting your marketing and sales teams.
This friendship can be established in any way you see fit, such as: informal lunches, outings outside of work hours, forming sports teams, among others.
Regardless of the budget, there are several options to choose from and unite the two teams and create bonds between them. Well, there are several benefits to creating a positive social environment.
Create inclusive strategies
After establishing ties between these sectors, show your strategies to both teams and let them give their opinion on it.
Show them that together they can bring great results to the company, how each person's daily life would adapt to their strategy, and what they should do to achieve the best results.
Keep communication open
In any area, when it comes to working as a team, communication is fundamental.
When two groups from different areas are involved, attention to the relationship and communication must be doubled. Because, it is essential for everything to happen in the best way possible.
Create incentives for both teams
Try to help your employees stay excited about working together. Create shared incentives for teams.
An incentive that can be offered to your employees is a sales commission shared among the team.
Why will combining these areas increase your results?
An integrated team is focused on what really brings returns, based on analysis of results in accordance with the company's objectives.
These two areas are the main ones involved in the relationship with potential customers. With these two teams working together, your company can generate more business opportunities.
The focus of this combination is to eliminate errors, optimize the experience for the lead and bring better results for your business.
The union of sales and marketing ensures that the customer has a positive experience when purchasing. Therefore, investing in the union of sales and marketing, in addition to aligning your company's goals and improving your customers' experience, increases your results.
So, now that you know all the benefits of this union and how it can increase your results, follow our tips and start making these changes in your business.
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