Discover how to create the best content strategy for your company
Have you noticed that your posts are not generating enough reach? Don't worry, because we've put together some content strategy tips to improve your performance when producing materials for the internet.
Content is extremely important when we want to reach goals, people and even increase sales. After all, it is basically the key to attracting visibility and engagement in digital productions.
A good content strategy produces trust and credibility for your company, but to do so, you need to know how to create quality material that generates some relevance.
Check out some content strategies below that will help you leverage in this digital world.
Build an editorial plan for content strategy
Building an editorial plan is a very important factor when producing content. The plan aims to define your persona, target audience, content formats and several other aspects necessary to start your productions.
After defining the persona, you will use elements to communicate directly with the public. The language of the text, colors and images can be used to engage the reader and reach them directly.
Therefore, the format must also be adapted. In fact, the ones that can be used the most are: blog posts, videos, podcasts, e-books, among others. On the editorial level, you will be able to define the format that will bring greater reach to your objective.
Think about the sales funnel
Content is always created with a goal, be it to educate or convert someone. And both ways can end up generating what you and your company want: sales!
The sales funnel is a strategy used to show the stages of the customer journey from the first contact with your company to the sale. This strategy makes your content awaken the reader's awareness of a problem to lead them to a solution, which in most cases is a sale.
To get a good marketing, There are some writing strategies used to engage the reader and convert them, they are called mental triggers.
Mental triggers create some type of emotional bond with the producer of that content, generating more empathy and creating a rapprochement, building a concrete and definitive relationship with the audience you want to reach.
Be faithful to the editorial process
If you have a team of people who produce your content, it is extremely important that everyone goes through the same editorial process. This way, your company will be faithful to the brand's standards. That is, the font used, the images and even the tone in which things are said.
Grammar and spelling must also be up to par for good production. Furthermore, the text must not have any typing errors.
Finally, take some factors into consideration. Such as: positioning, brand values, media perception, public interests, historical performance, search behavior and customer support.
All of these factors serve to build a narrative for your brand.
Invest in evergreen content
There is a type of content that can be relevant and last longer, called evergreen.
Evergreen is a type of content that does not age, as it is timeless. Therefore, it provides a great advantage, as it remains updated and available to readers, generating increasing access traffic over time.
But stay tuned. If you use external links when producing this type of content, review them regularly to avoid any future problems.
A good content strategy requires a lot of research and time
After receiving all these tips, I'm sure you must have thought that it's not easy to put together a content strategy, but don't give up!
To be able to create concrete, relevant and converting content, it takes a lot of time and study.
The important thing is to never stop seeking knowledge, to do so, continue following our blog!
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