Marketing and sales: how some companies are growing by an average of 20%
In companies, the words marketing and sales end up being used a lot. In general, most of the time, these two words go together.
But, to know all the benefits that together they offer to your company, first of all, you need to know in depth the concept of each of them.
It was with this in mind that we created this article, to help you better understand this subject and discover the best marketing and sales strategies to implement in your growing company.
Therefore, continue reading and understand once and for all the difference between marketing and sales, and how to accelerate your results through this medium.
Marketing is present in our lives in almost everything, more than we imagine.
It can be considered a science and an art, where the objective is to deliver value to satisfy customer needs and generate profits for them.
So, keeping in mind this definition of what marketing is, we can say that this word means everything a company does to satisfy its consumer. And your objective comes first in the steps leading up to the sale, generating business opportunities by attracting the attention of potential customers.
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This term is widely used to describe the activities that lead to the sale of a company's products or certain services.
With marketing having the function of attracting customers, the objective of sales is to deal directly with these buyers. This occurs through contact with each lead that was generated by marketing actions.
Therefore, it is the full responsibility of a company's sales team to establish a friendly relationship with its leads and customers. This contact allows salespeople to understand the true desires and needs of each customer. Therefore, it helps to improve the sales approach and increase the chances of closing a deal.
Difference Between Marketing and Sales
With everything said above, you can already see that marketing and sales are very different in their actions. However, at a certain point, one complements the other.
But, if it's still not clear to you, I'll give you other examples to resolve your doubts once and for all.
Marketing thinks exclusively about the company's future, planning and building the path that will be used to reach the established goals and objectives.
The sales sector, on the other hand, is an area that is focused on the “now”, that is, with the objective of transforming your lead into a customer. Therefore, selling is an activity that takes place in the present, and needs to focus on the moment it is occurring, not on the future, like marketing.
Why you should integrate marketing and sales
When we combine marketing and sales, the strength they both generate is inevitable, producing great results. Because, together, they become powerful results accelerators. This happens because the function of the marketing strategy is to increase sales.
This increase in results occurs due to a commercial process that becomes more cohesive. This way, leads are prepared for their purchasing journey through the Inbound Marketing funnel.
This increases customer confidence in your company and your work, which results in a good customer experience.
Sellers can use content produced by marketing to assist in negotiation. This way, all customer queries can be resolved, which demonstrates efficiency.
Predictability ensures that you do not depend on indications and develop proactive actions. This is one of the fundamental points of the union of marketing and sales. This way, you plan an escalation of results.
The partnership between marketing and sales can be one of the main levers of results and growth for your organization.
However, we can have proof that the combination of these two sectors generates positive impacts on your company's results.
What your company loses by not integrating the two departments
By not integrating these two areas, your company may lose several advantages that both can provide together. For example:
The chance to sell more
One of the main losses, when these areas cannot come together, is the lack of chance of selling. Without this union, the task of selling and finding the ideal customer becomes increasingly difficult.
The opportunity to strengthen relationships with customers
By uniting the areas, you can strengthen your relationship with the client. Knowing even more about him and, above all, building loyalty in your brand.
Reduced efforts to win sales
When the two departments work together, leads arrive more qualified, reducing efforts and even costs to acquire a new customer.
Using marketing and sales to increase your results
According to a Aberdeen Group study, organizations with aligned marketing and sales teams achieve 20% annual revenue growth, while companies that do not adopt this strategy are committed to falling revenue by 4% per year.
Now, the importance of uniting these areas for your business is even more evident.
I believe that now you know how marketing and sales can help you grow your company and increase your results in the current market.
But remember, for all of this to work out and for you to achieve all your goals, it is extremely important that these two areas go hand in hand, always focusing on your goals to achieve them as quickly as possible and with all the quality you need. customers deserve it.
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