Mental health: benefits of working in a relaxed place.
Mental health is a topic that is being increasingly discussed and, in this way, reaching its real value.
People in general are increasingly concerned about maintaining their mental health. This occurs in all environments of your life, especially when it comes to the professional area.
Carrying out your work in a peaceful environment is, in fact, the main ally for staying well with yourself and those close to you.
If you want to know more about the topic, continue reading and see what factors affect a person's mental health in the workplace, tips for improving well-being and much more!
What is mental health and how important is it in a person’s life?
Before we talk about the advantages of working in a relaxed environment, to improve mental health, we first need to understand this concept and its importance in people's lives.
According to the WHO, the concept of mental health is defined as a state of well-being. And with it, it becomes possible to deal with the daily stresses of life in a simple way.
Therefore, it is possible to work productively and establish harmony with your colleagues.
It is worth remembering that good mental health depends on several factors, and that several elements can contribute to both helping and harming it.
Understand more about the subject and what can help you have a good quality of life, especially within your workplace.
What can interfere with having good mental health in the workplace?
Unfortunately, several factors can contribute to harming your mental health in the workplace.
Did you know that even the architecture of the place where you are can contribute to increasing your stress?
In the past, in offices, it was common for everyone to have their own room, however, despite offering a lot of privacy, these divisions limited employees' interactions with each other.
After some research, companies began to use open spaces. This ensured interaction between employees and increased synergy between employees.
However, there are many factors in addition to this, which cause a lack of quality of life in a workplace, such as:
- Stress;
- Noise;
- Ergonomics;
- And, even the air quality.
Importance of quality of life in the professional environment
Today, restructuring has become increasingly common in companies with the intention of improving the quality of work life of their team. Therefore, they have sought to create programs and actions that promote well-being within the workplace.
In addition to contributing to increased productivity, preserving mental health in the workplace is something that has already become a global trend. And for this reason, it has added a lot of value to the well-being of its employees.
Mental health, if compromised, can affect the quality of many areas of a person's life. For example: relationships and physical health, even damaging the performance of simple daily activities.
What role does HR play in making this happen?
Often, part of the wear and tear on a person's mental health in their workplace occurs because of too much pressure, unrealistic goals, relationship problems with bosses or co-workers, among others.
Therefore, it is HR's duty to help promote an environment that rethinks the company's values and culture, focusing on adopting people management that focuses on healthy relationships.
For this to happen, the company must put into practice the knowledge that people are exposed to problems that occur every day, and each person reacts in their own way.
5 tips to improve the work environment
If you want to improve your workplace, or are a manager and focus on offering well-being to your team, here are 5 tips that will help you a lot:
Flexible hours
Maintaining a balance between social life and professional life is essential. However, so that there is no conflict between the two areas, the company can stipulate a flexible schedule, allowing employees to work at alternative times, if necessary.
Offer social programs that contribute to mental and physical health
Encouraging exercise is essential for improving employee well-being.
Many companies currently have provided the gympass for your employees to exercise and relax not only their bodies, but also their minds.
Additionally, creating a calm environment facilitates socialization among the team.
listen to your collaborators
It is very important, as a manager, to be open to what your employees have to say.
Employees, in general, like to have their ideas heard and evaluated, even if they cannot be put into practice.
Making each employee feel like an important member of the team is one of the most effective ways to stimulate their productivity.
Pleasant space
Create a place within the company where employees can rest and distract themselves from their routine.
Before creating this environment, it is very important to ask for suggestions about what employees want in this place.
Manage conflicts
There is no denying that, at times, conflicts arise within a business routine.
Encouraging teamwork is a very good way to alleviate these conflicts and rivalries between employees.
It is the manager's role to encourage healthy relationships between employees. And, it is extremely important to intervene in disagreements to establish peace between team members.
Why is it important to think about the mental health of employees?
In a company, where a pleasant and relaxed environment is provided for employees, many benefits can occur for both the employee and the company.
In addition to tranquility and peace in the work environment, another advantage that mental health brings is the increase in employee productivity.
Thus, the company guarantees healthy and friendly development.
And you, what are you waiting for to ensure a peaceful environment for your employees?
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A hug and see you next!