Learn how to structure a Professional Blog and turn it into a tool for your business
Step by step on how to start a professional blog, boost strategies and generate traffic for your business!
Feeding a blog with relevant and quality content is one of the most efficient ways to generate traffic, ensure that your website is known and is also the simplest and most practical way to share your knowledge with other people. However, starting a blog from scratch is a big challenge for many interested in the subject.
Do you want to learn how to build your blog in a simple and quick way? Read on below and see how easy it is!
Choose a relevant topic/subject
Choose subjects for which you have an interest, affinity and, mainly, that dialogue with the product or service you are offering is essential to have a successful blog.
If you sell a product, your objective is to generate income through the blog. Therefore, it is very important that your posts educate your audience about the product you sell. Therefore, your blog must teach interesting things that attract the attention of your readers. Invest in relevant and valuable subjects that are related to the products you sell.
Choose a catchy name for your blog
In order for people to adapt quickly to your blog, and for it to become known, it is important that the name makes an immediate association with the main subject.
It should also be simple and easy to write. This way, users will have an easy time both finding your blog and recommending it to other people.
Therefore, another important point of attention is avoid generic names. High competition makes it difficult to find them on search engines.
The ideal is to find the balance between a simple name that, at the same time, makes it clear what your content is about.
Buy a domain
To have a professional blog, it is essential to have your own domain. Therefore, it will be necessary to register it to ensure that other people cannot use it.
Search the website registro.br, to find out if this domain is already being used. This tool is only valid for “.com.br” domains. Therefore, if you are interested in another domain with the ending “.com” or “.net”, there are other query options that can be used.
Therefore, follow the registration procedure with the ending “.br”, which is the one most used by blog creators:
Step-by-step registration with the ending “.br”
- Visit the website: registro.br;
- On the main page, select the option Register;
- Search for the chosen domain name to check its availability;
- Fill in your CPF or CNPJ;
- Then fill in the domain administrator details;
- Agree to the terms of use;
- You will receive an email to confirm and proceed with your registration;
- Choose your plan and enter your payment details.
Choose between free service or server hosting
The hosting server is the company that will make your blog live, with all the pages and features it needs. In this way, tools such as HostGator ou KingHost, are the most recommended because they are safe and easy to manage.
Therefore, if you don't have money to invest in a server, it is possible to create a blog without hiring a server, using free platforms such as WordPress, blogger or tumbler. However, investing in paid services guarantees greater security, resources and stability for your website.
Is WordPress the best option for my blog?
If you have chosen a hosting server for your blog, the time has come to choose the software that will make it work. Therefore, this software is known as CMS (Content System Management or Content Management System).
Therefore, this program will allow you to modify the appearance of your blog, create pages, links and insert images, to make that content more attractive to users.
In addition to being simple and easy to navigate, WordPress offers several theme and plugin options, which make it the best option for any type of blog. Around 28% of all websites use this service, so it's worth using this tool.
Install WordPress
To install WordPress, you must have a web server that supports the language. PHP and a database MySQL.
Most servers feature the “one click install” option for WordPress. However, if the procedure is unsuccessful, you can also install the CMS manually.
Manual installation
If you don't have the “one click install” function on your server, no problem, WordPress has a very easy way to install.
Download the latest version of WordPress
You will receive a zip file, and you need to unzip it in any folder on your computer.
Create a database for the blog
If your server uses cPanel, you can have the MySQL Database Wizard. So, just click on “create a database”, then “create database users” and “add user to database”. Always write down the values you filled in there, to consult later.
Upload the files
Upload the files inside the “zip” from step one to the directory where your blog will work. The most practical way is using an FTP client.
Install WordPress on your blog
With the files and database configured, just go to install.php.
When the setup finishes running, you will be greeted by a “welcome” screen, where you will fill in the blog title, username, password and email. Once this is done, you will be directed to the dashboard.
Customize the blog
After accessing the admin area of your blog, you can make any changes to personalize it. Therefore, WordPress has a collection of free themes, and they can be installed easily.
Therefore, to change the theme of your blog, simply click on the “appearance” button in the menu on the left of your page.
Be careful to choose a theme that connects with your brand or the subject you intend to cover on the blog.
If you don't suit any of the options offered by WordPress, you can install your own theme. Just click the button "appearance" and after that, “add new”.
Make your first blog post!
The next step is to create your first post. In the “Posts” menu select “Add new” ou “add new”.
Check out some areas and features for posting on WordPress below:
In this area, you will place the title of your post. Therefore, pay close attention when choosing the title for Call reader's attention, awaken their curiosity and ensure that they are interested in the content that will be covered.
Be careful when choosing titles that are too long and always opt for clear words that are easy for the reader to understand.
content area
The purpose of the larger box is to structure your text.
You can write directly in this area or paste text from an external file, such as Word and Google Docs.
Therefore, try to avoid very long blocks of text. Ideally, each paragraph should have a maximum of 4 lines.
This way, the text is simpler and more aesthetically pleasing.
Add media to your blog
This field is intended to add photos, graphics or videos to your text.
Therefore, select the button “add media” and choose an image from your database or upload it directly from your computer.
In this field you will select the text formatting.
The use of headers makes it possible to build a hierarchy of information within the post, essential for making the reader interested when exploring the content of the text.
Pay attention to your blog’s SEO
Therefore, for your blog to have visibility and become increasingly known, it needs to be at the top of the search!
This way, by installing the Yoast SEO plugin, it will be easier to optimize your text and ensure that your content has a good position.
Through this plugin, you can select a keyword for your content, edit the way it appears in search engines, write a meta description, improve readability, among other important functions.
The plugin itself automatically analyzes your text to see if it complies with the best SEO practices, and delivers a report specifying where it needs to be improved to optimize the text.
After following all the tips above, just select the “publish” button and your first post is made!
WordPress gives you the option to save draft. This way, click on “preview changes” and check if the post is structured according to your preference.
Through this step-by-step guide, you can create a blog that allows visibility of your products and services, in addition to boost your brand in the professional market! Blogging is a great investment for your business, so, Start planning your website structure as soon as possible.
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