Looking for creative solutions for your team? Bet on design thinking!
In teamwork, it is essential that each professional involved works faithfully to achieve good results. However, there are always factors that end up hindering the development process and preventing the team from performing optimally. That's why design thinking was created! A way to bring your team together in a single mind and use each person's different perspectives to develop a more comprehensive idea.
Check out below how to develop design thinking, the benefits of adopting this technique among your team and how creativity can take you even further!
What exactly is design thinking?
Literally translated as “design thinking”, design thinking is a technique that brings together the entire team involved in creating an idea. In this way, different perspectives are used to look at an idea in different ways, identifying its possible flaws, negative points and aspects that will be improved.
But isn't that brainstorming?
Although similar, the concept of brainstorm focuses on the brainstorming of ideas. You have a cause and, from there, you get ideas for action.
In this case, the more ideas, the better. However, design thinking is mainly focused on evaluating and testing ideas to narrow down your options. Selecting alternatives that have fewer flaws and a greater potential for positive results.
In fact, “Mundo Mídia” created content that helps to see the difference between these two factors. Check it out!
Returning to Design Thinking
As team members have their own obligations, it is normal for each one to establish different priorities, needs and expectations regarding a creative campaign. In fact, each person's lifestyle also implies thoughts that are based on different “cultures” that each person lives.
But, it’s not enough to just gather your team and hope that infallible ideas come out. It is necessary to carry out in-depth and complete analyzes to obtain good insights.
Check out the main steps of design thinking below and how group thinking should be developed to achieve remarkable actions.
Step 1 – Immersion
Every idea created must follow the reality experienced in each company. Therefore, the first stage of this modality is to study as much data as possible about the company, its history and evolutions, its main changes, expansions, and even feedback left by customers.
Other very important research bases are political, geographic and global situations. After all, if a topic is trending, why not make it a good hook for the company?
Ultimately, it is with the study applied to the steps that were taken, that we will be able to outline safer routes for future actions and campaigns.
Step 2 – Ideation
As the name suggests, ideation is the phase where ideas take hold and alternatives begin to emerge. So, you can unleash your imagination, use references to get good inspiration and write down each idea that helps you establish good options.
A device that helps a lot to have creative ideas and explore perspectives are mind maps. Here, each word and each figure used makes room for different characteristics and objectives that provide more stability when creating something.
There is only one limit required at this stage: ideas must respect the reality of the company in question. Since there is no point in having a thousand creative thoughts if not all of them are achievable or viable for the brand.
Step 3 – Prototyping
Do you know the famous testing phase? Well done! It is in this part that all the possibilities developed by the team will be put to the test.
In prototyping, at first, it is the perspective of consumers and people who do not yet know your brand, which is a priority. This is because the success of a campaign or sales action will only be successful with public acceptance.
Will there be a discount on the action? What will this discount be like? How long will it last? How is this discount generated? Will it only be available at POS or in e-commerce as well? Is this benefit cumulative?
It is by thinking about the smallest details of an action that we avoid loose ends, holes or situations where a client could end up being harmed in the end.
Stage 4 – Development
Last but not least, development is the last part of design thinking. At this point, several ideas have been discarded because they have “holes” and inconsistencies that are not as beneficial for the company and its consumers.
After studying data, analyzing situations, creating ideas and testing them, the great idea that has passed all the tests can finally be put into practice
Is Design Thinking only for campaigns?
No! This tactic of creative thoughts and development helps a lot in creating websites, applications, product/service launches, rebranding, etc. And in each of these situations, the experience lived by each of the professionals involved will help to identify and eliminate problems that were already within people's reach.
Finally, always remember: design thinking is not a ready-made solution, but it helps the team find innovative solutions.
Now that you know what design thinking is, be sure to get your team together and explore the potential of team thinking in your company. For more content like this, be sure to check out Beatz Blog. Or if you prefer, the Beatz Podcast is full of incredible episodes on various topics in the world of communication.
See you next time!